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Kirienko M. A., Goncharova I. A. The Influence of Growth Stimulants at Different Concentrations on Ground Seed Germination and Survival of Seedlings of the Main Forest Forming Species

growth stimulants, concentrations, ground seed germination, survival of seedlings


How to cite: Kirienko M. A., Goncharova I. A. The influence of growth stimulants at different concentrations on ground seed germination and survival of seedlings of the main forest forming species of Central Siberia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2016. N. 1: 39–45 (in Russian with English abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20160104

© Kirienko M. A., Goncharova I. A., 2016

The influence of the growth stimulants with differences in active substance and concentrations on seed germination ability and seedlings safety of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.), Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.), Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) are studied. Studies have shown the reaction specificity of seed processing by growth stimulants. The increased concentration of Obereg stimulant (7drops /500 ml of water) result in most significant positive impact on the seed field germination of Scots pine (at 31 % above control). The seedling safety is 30 % higher than the control at the same stimulant concentration. Seed treatment by stimulant Ekogel at concentrations of 20 ml / 1 l of water and 30 ml/1 l of water result in increase of seed germination and seedlings safety. The extremely high concentration of Ekogel (40 ml/1 l of water) authentically decreases as seed germination (on 21 %), and the seedlings safety (on 20 %). Ekogel stimulant is the best for seed germination of Siberian spruce, thus having a significant positive effect at all studied concentrations. Extreme concentrations of Heteroauxin (4 g / 1 l of water) also had a positive impact on the seed germination and seedling safety (20 % and 15 % above the control respectively). Seed treatment of Siberian larch by a Novosil stimulant of high concentration (10 drops / 1 l of water) and Obereg stimulant (7 drops / 500 ml water) has led to an increase in seed germination compared to controls at 26 % and 25 % respectively. At the same concentrations of growth stimulants the highest seedlings safety (25 % and 24 % above the control respectively) was observed. Seed treatment by Ekogel stimulant at a concentration of 10 ml /1 l of water has led to a high seed germination ability and seedling safety. Higher concentrations of Ekogel stimulant (30 ml /1 liter of water and 40 ml /1 l of water) significantly inhibit seed germination and reduce the seedling safety.

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