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Kovalev A. P., Orlov A. M., Lashina E. V., Grishchenova Yu. A. The Prospects of Using Forest Resources in Primorsky Krai

industrial logging, forest complex of Prmor’e, forest use, forest cover, forest products


UDC 630*0

How to cite: Kovalev A. P., Orlov A. M., Lashina E. V., Grishchenova Yu. A. The prospects of using forest resources in Primorsky Krai // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2019. N. 5. P. 15–21 (in Russian with English abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20190502

© Kovalev A. P., Orlov A. M., Lashina E. V., Grishchenova Yu. A., 2019

Received 17.03.2019

The characteristic of forest resources of one of the most forest-provided subjects of Russia – Primorsky Krai is given. Currently, despite the presence of a large area covered by forest – 77 % of the total area of the region, the diversity of wood and non-timber resources is low-quality forests. Practically all operational plantations and part of protective forests are harvested by industrial methods of logging. Now they are represented by degraded low-grade tree stands. This is due to the fact that, the most important industries in the region are those of harvesting and processing of wood, which accounts for more than 80 % of all forestry income. Along with forest management, effective development of forest complex is associated with the use of non-timber resources, food and medicinal plants (although this market is predominantly shadow), as well as the use of the territory of the forest fund for geological study of the subsoil and mining. At the same time, the depletion of forest resources, caused by their extensive use, can lead to a significant decrease in timber harvesting and depletion of the ecological and protective potential of the territory in the near future. It is necessary to pay attention now to rational forest management and the creation of specialized farms to provide, along with the wood, nutritional and medicinal forest products.

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