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Polyakov Mikhail Vadimovich

Polyakov Mikhail Vadimovich, born 19 July, 1987 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk KraiSoviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from the Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (SibSAU) (2012) Institute of Space Technology. Post Graduate Student for the Institute of Space Technology SibSAU. Expert in computer modeling. Co-author of 2 papers: «Long-term dynamics of the inventory characteristics and the vigor state category in the permanent sample plots located in pine forests» In «Lesnaya Taksaciya i Lesoustroistvo» (For. Inventory & For. Planning), 2012 (in Russian with summary in English); «Model testing of the density reduction in the middle-aged pine forests in the permanent sample plots» In «Lesnaya Taksaciya i Lesoustroistvo» (For. Inventory & For. Planning), 2013 (in Russian with summary in English).


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