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Kryshen' Alexander Mikhailovic

Kryshen' Alexander Mikhailovic

Kryshen' Alexander Mikhailovich, born 21 September 1959 in the city of Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Soviet Union (since 1992 –Russia). Graduated from А. А. Zhdanov Leningrad State University (at the present time – Saint Petersburg State University), Department of Biology and Soil (at the present time – Faculty of Biology), with a specialty in Biology, and qualification Biologist, in the city of Leningrad (06 Sept., 1991 Leningrad renaimed to Saint Petersburg), Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia) (1983). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Botany (1993), Doctor of Biological Sciences in Botany and Ecology (2005). PhD thesis: «Sornaya Rastitelnost' Lesnykh Pitomnikov Karelii (Vzaimootnosheniya Sornykh Rasteniy i Ikh Vliyanie na Seyantsy Pinus sylvestris L.)» (Weed Vegetation of Forest Nurseries of Karelia (Interrelations of Weed Plants and Their Influence to Pinus sylvestris L. Seedlings), Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State Univ., 1993 (in Russian). DSc. thesis: «Rastitelnye Soobshchestva Vyrubok: Struktura, Dinamika i Klassifikatsiya (na Primere Karelii)» (Plant Communities of Logging Areas: Structure, Dynamics, and Classification (on the Example of Karelia)), Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State Univ., 2005 (in Russian). Vice-Chairman for the Presidium of the Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (2006), Director for the Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (2013), Chief Research Scientist for the Laboratory for Boreal Forest Dynamics and Production, in the city of Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia. The Honored Scientist of the Republic of Karelia (2009). Member of the: Presidium of the Russian Botanical Society; Presidiumof the Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences; Scientific Council of the Forest Research Institute and Scientific Council of the Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences; of bureau of Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Forestry, Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Botany; Board of Councillors of the Ministry on Nature Use and Ecology of the Republic of Karelia. Deputy Editor-in-Chief for peer-reviewed scientific journal «Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science», Editor-in-Charge for «Biogeography» Series, Associate Editor for peer-reviewed scientific journals «Rastitelnye Resursy» (Plant Resources) and «Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal» (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). Specialist in biogeography, forest science, reforestation, phytosociology. Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific publications, including 7 books and textbooks. Some of them: «Metody Klassificsirovaniya i Opisaniya Lesnykh Fitocsenozov i Pochv» (The Methods for Classification and Description of Forest Phytocoenoses and Soils), Petrozavodsk, 2003 (in Russian); Metody Issledovaniya Csenoflor (na Primere Rastitelnykh Soobschestv Vyrubok Karelii)» (Methods for Investigating Coenofloras (Example of Plant Communities in Harvested Forest Areas in Karelia), Petrozavodsk, 2005 (in Russian with English abstract); «Rastitelnye Soobschestva Vyrubok Karelii» (Plant Communities of Logging Areas in Karelia), Moscow, Nauka, 2006 (in Russian); Raznoobrazie Pochv i Bioraznoobrazie v Lesnykh Ekosistemakh Srednei Taigi» (Soil and Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems of Middle Taiga), Moscow, Nauka, 2006 (in Russian with English abstract);


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 118

Total citations – 1018; Hirsch index – 14.

Papers in Scopus 2

Total Scopus citations – 5; Scopus Hirsh index – 1.

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 3

Total Web of Science Core Collection citations 8;

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh index 2.

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