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Akhmetov A. R., Boronnikova S. V., Yanbaev Y. A., Nechaeva Yu. A. On the Impact of Fagmentation of Broad-Leaved Forests on the Genetic Resources of Acer platanoides L. in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Norway maple, ISSR analysis of DNA, genetic diversity, populations


UDC 630*228+577.21

How to cite: Akhmetov A. R.1, Boronnikova S. V.2, Yanbaev Y. A.1, Nechaeva Yu. A.2 On the impact of fragmentation of broad-leaved forests on the genetic resources of Acer platanoides L. in the Republic of Bashkortostan // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2021. N. 4. P. 64–72 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20210406

© Akhmetov A. R., Boronnikova S. V., Yanbaev Y. A., Nechaeva Yu. A., 2021

Three-quarters of the Russian maple resources are concentrated in Bashkortostan. Norway maple Acer platanoides L. forms here in pure stands or dominates in the composition of broad-leaved forests on the western macroslope of mountains of the Southern Urals. But the species is represented in the Bashkir Cis-Urals as a part of this type of vegetation with relatively low participation, and the stands are geographically isolated. Using ISSR-analysis of DNA, we carried out a comparative analysis of the genetic variation of populations, which are fragmented to varying degrees during the centuries-old economic development of this region. The 5 primers used allowed us to detect polymorphism in 77 of 96 markers (80.2 %) in 6 examined stands. Significant differences in the level of genetic diversity of maple samples were revealed (the proportion of polymorphic loci varies in the range Р95 = 0.323–0.662, the expected heterozygosity HE = 0.052–0.148, the average number of alleles na = 1.197–1.385, the average effective number of alleles ne = 1.105–1.261), these parameters are significantly higher in forest areas with a relatively large proportion of the maple in the composition of stands. A comparatively large differentiation of populations was found in the frequencies of ISSR markers. The inter-sample component of genetic variation has a relatively high level of 60.1 % (GST = 0.601, the parameter varies from 0.523 to 0.676 for the primers), this is confirmed by the relatively high pairwise Nei’s genetic distances among populations (they vary from 0.129 to 0.347, on average D = 0.272). The clustering of samples and the use the method of principal components demonstrated that neighboring populations have relatively similar gene pools. It is concluded that the entomophilicity of the maple may be a cause of the patterns identified in the study, which limited the gene flow among geographically isolated stands and their groups. The ways of applying the obtained results in the practice of forestry are discussed. 



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