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Kovalev A. P., Alekseenko А. Yu., Kachanova T. G. Silvicultural Principles of Choosing Methods of Logging in the Far Eastern Forests

forest fund, logging, harvester, group of factors


UDC 630*3(571.6)

How to cite: Kovalev A. P., Alekseenko А. Yu., Kachanova T. G. Silvicultural principles of choosing methods of logging in the Far Eastern forests // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 5. P. 96–102 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240510

EDN: …

© Kovalev A. P., Alekseenko А. Yu., Kachanova T. G., 2024

Rational forest management, which ensures the stability of the post-harvest state of stands and the direction of forest formation processes in the formation of forest phytocenoses of a new generation, largely depends on the methods of exploitation of forest stands. For each section of the forest fund allocated for logging, it is necessary to select the optimal combination of logging method, the complex of logging machines and the technological scheme of their application. The main criteria determining the choice of optimal logging techniques and logging equipment are three groups of factors, characterizing both the stand as a whole and the conditions of its growth (natural geographical factors), as well as silvicultural and environmental indicators of the impact of logging operations on the forest and the forest environment (technical and technological factors) and, functional and regulatory restrictions and requirements for wood harvesting (regulatory factors). The first group of factors influencing the choice of logging methods and cutting technology includes: the purpose of forests, the age structure of stands, the completeness of planting, the presence of natural regeneration, the steepness of the slope, the logging season, humidity and soil freezing. The second group of factors characterizes the indicators of the impact of equipment and technology of logging operations on the safety of the main components of the forest – stand, undergrowth and soil. The third group of factors is the silvicultural restrictions imposed on timber harvesting, including the permissible effects of forest exploitation on all components of the stand and the forest environment. Therefore, the optimization of wood harvesting techniques directly depends on the correct choice of logging methods and cutting technology in relation to the main forest formations of the Far East.



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