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Kovalev A. P., Lashina E. V. Criteria for the Sustainability of Tree Stands During Timber Harvesting in Mature and Overmature Stands

logging operations, preservation of undergrowth, forest environment, Russian Far East


UDC 630*3 (571.6)

How to cite: Kovalev A. P., Lashina E. V. Criteria for the sustainability of tree stands during timber harvesting in mature and overmature stands // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 2. P. 59–67 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240207

EDN: …

© Kovalev A. P., Lashina E. V., 2024

The formation of sustainable tree stands during timber harvesting in mature and overmature stands is largely determined by logging methods used and the technological methods for their implementation. In clear-cutting, this, first of all, depends on the degree of preservation of undergrowth, small size trees and trees that are not subject to felling, ensuring accelerated reproduction of stands in cleared areas. Among logging technologies, this is facilitated by narrow felling technological schemes with logging widths of 15-30 m, which allow maintaining undergrowth and undergrowth of over 60 %. In selective felling, the main emphasis is on the formation of valuable stands of a certain density, age and structure due to the intensity and uniformity of the selection of tree species, the preservation of forest growing environment and the growing conditions of the main forest-forming species. Here technologies can be used that allow for a uniform selection of trees over an area while maintaining post-harvesting density of at least 0.5. The goal of the study was to identify optimal techniques and methods of felling during timber harvesting, ensuring the formation of sustainable post-logging tree stands for the main forest formations of the Russian Far East.



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