Padutov V. E., Baranov O. Yu., Kagan D. I., Kovalevich O. A., Ostrikova M. Ya., Panteleev S. V., Ivanovskaya S. I., Kulagin D. V. Application of Molecular Genetic Methods for Forestry in Belarus
molecular genetics, forestry, plantation and population seed growing, breeding, phytopathological monitoring, planting material, Republic of Belarus
How to cite: Padutov V. E., Baranov O. Yu., Kagan D. I., Kovalevich O. A., Ostrikova M. Ya., Panteleev S. V., Ivanovskaya S. I., Kulagin D. V. Application of molecular genetic methods for forestry in Belarus // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2014. N. 4: 16–20 (in Russian with English abstract).© Padutov V. E., Baranov O. Yu., Kagan D. I., Kovalevich O. A., Ostrikova M. Ya., Panteleev S. V., Ivanovskaya S. I., Kulagin D. V., 2014
The results of molecular genetic studies, carried out by researchers of the Institute of Forest of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus are presented in the paper. Examples of their practical use in forestry of Belarus are shown.