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Tarakanov V. V., Kalchenko L. I., Zatcsepina K. G., Ekart A. K., Shuvaev D. N. Stage-by-Stage Certification of Trees in Plantations of Scots Pine Genetic Breeding Complex

genetic certification, clone plantations, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), phens, allozyme analysis, Altai


How to cite: Tarakanov V. V. 1Kalchenko L. I.2Zatcsepina K. G.1, 2, Ekart A. K.1, Shuvaev D. N.Stage-by-stage certification of trees in plantations of Scots pine genetic breeding complex // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2014. N. 4: 69–74 (in Russian with English abstract).

© Tarakanov V. V., Kalchenko L. I., Zatcsepina K. G., Ekart A. K., Shuvaev D. N., 2014 
In Altai territory in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) clonal plantations, that include nearly 1.5 thousand trees of 118 clones, the stage-by-stage certification of trees was carried out. Certification process included 3 stages: 1) forestry stage (preliminary), 2) phenetic stage (basic), 3) genetical stage (précising). Accuracy of phenetic certification was 97.1 %. The final stage of certification was carried out taking into account of revealed "phenetic clusters" within of clones. One-ramet and many-ramets ("mixed") samples were compared within clusters and these must show identical results if all ramets are truly marked. The stage-by-stage certification method allows less expensive molecular genetics testing in some cases.

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