Goncharova I. A., Benkova A. V. The Impact of Weather Conditions on Dynamics of Hylocomium splendens Annual Increment and Net Production in Forest Communities of Forest-Steppe Zone in Khakassia
How to cite: Goncharova I. A., Benkova A. V. The impact of weather conditions on dynamics of Hylocomium splendens annual increment and net production in forest communities of forest-steppe zone in Khakassia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2015. N. 6: 54–61 (in Russian with English abstract).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20150605
© Goncharova I. A., Benkova A. V., 2015
Dynamics of annual increments of green moss Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G. in the Khakassia forest-steppe zone has been studied. The values of the moss linear and phytomass increments were investigated in different habitats for 6 years. The aboveground annual production of the H. splendens in phytocenosis was estimated. Linear increments of the H. splendens growing under the tree canopy and opening between trees were not significantly different. Phytomass increments under the tree canopy are significantly higher than in the openings between trees. The density of moss mats, proportion between leaves and stems were calculated. It was revealed that climatic factors have a different degree and duration influence on the moss increments in different habitats. Linear increments of H. splendens in different habitats synchronously respond to weather factor changes. The air temperature was the most important at the beginning and the end of the vegetation period; the amount of precipitation was more important in the middle of the growth period. Phytomass increments of H. splendens in different habitats respond differently to influence of weather conditions. Phytomass increments under the tree canopy are not sensitive to air temperature, and more sensitive to precipitations in the middle of growth period than one of opening between trees. The specificity of the climatic factors’ influence on the biomass growth depends on habitat conditions. The annual production of the H. splendens in the studied forest type was 39.87 g/m2.