Kovalev A. V., Volkova P. E. Modeling of Pheromone Communication System of Forest Lepidopterous Insects. II. Model of Female Searching by Male
How to cite: Kovalev A. V., Volkova P. E. Modeling of pheromone communication system of forest Lepidopterous insects. II. Model of female searching by male // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2015. N. 3: 93–102 (in Russian with English abstract).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20150309
© Kovalev A. V., Volkova P. E., 2015
We propose an agent-based simulation model search. This model allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of different males-females pheromone search strategies for Lepidoptera. In the model, we consider the simplest case of the search, when the pheromone has only one chemical component. It is assumed that the insects are able to detect the pheromone molecules and the sensory cells generate action potentials in contact with the pheromone for some time. Thereafter pheromone molecule is inactivated. This behavior can be regarded as a memory of individual. The model also assumes that the insect having the ability to anemotaxis. Proportion of individuals who have reached the source is selected as an integral indicator of the search efficiency. To evaluate the effectiveness, numeric experiments were performed in different conditions: random walk, search algorithm without memory, and algorithm with memory and return mechanism. The resulting effectiveness of source localization by insects for flight in turbulent flows is ~ 70 %, which corresponds to experiments with live specimens in literature. In this case, proposed pheromone search algorithm is quite simple, which makes it biologically correct. Conducted modeling calculations can be the starting point for planning of field observations and pest monitoring systems using pheromone traps.