Lapteva E. M., Vtyurin G. M., Bobkova K. S., Kaverin D. A., Dymov A. A., Simonov G. A. Soil and Soil Cover Changes in Spruce Forests after Final Logging
Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch
Kommunisticheskaya str., 28b, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, 167982 Russian Federation
How to cite: Lapteva E. M., Vtyurin G. M., Bobkova K. S., Kaverin D. A., Dymov A. A., Simonov G. A. Soil and soil cover changes in spruce forests after final logging // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2015. N. 5: 64–76 (in Russian with English abstract).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20150505
© Lapteva E. M., Vtyurin G. M., Bobkova K. S., Kaverin D. A., Dymov A. A., Simonov G. A., 2015
Soil cover transformation and changes of morphological and chemical properties of Albeluvisols in clear-cuttings of middle taiga spruce forests were studied. The observed changes in structure and properties of podzolic texturally-differentiated soils at cuttings of spruce forests in the middle taiga subzone do not cause their transition to any other soil type. Soil cover of secondary deciduous-coniferous forests, which replace cut forests are characterized with a varied soil contour and a combination of the main type of podzolic soils under undisturbed spruce forests. The increased surface hydromorphism in cut areas causes formation of complicated sub-types of podzolic texturally differentiated soils (podzolic surface-gley soils with microprofile of podzol) and enlarges their ratio (up to 35-38 %) in soil cover structure. Temporary soil over-wetting at the initial (5-10 years) stage of after-cutting self-restoring vegetation succession provides for soil gleyzation, improves yield and segregation of iron compounds, increases the migratory activity of humic substances. Low content and resources of total nitrogen in forest litters mark anthropogenic transformation processes of podzolic soils at this stage. Later (in 30-40 years after logging), soils in cut areas, still retain signs of hydromorphism. Forest litters are denser, less acidic and thick with a low weight ratio of organic carbon as compared with Albeluvisols of undisturbed spruce forest. The upper mineral soil horizons under secondary deciduous-coniferous forests contain larger amounts of total iron, its mobile (oxalate-dissolvable) components, and Fe-Mn-concretions.