Sannikov S. N., Sannikov D. S. Logging System and Regeneration of Pine Forests on Ecological-Genetic-Geographical Basis
Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch
8 Marta str., 202, Yekaterinburg, 620144 Russian Federation
E-mail:, sannikovanelly@mail.ruAbstract
How to cite: Sannikov S. N., Sannikov D. S. Logging system and regeneration of pine forests on ecological-genetic-geographical basis // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2015. N. 6: 3–16 (in Russian with English abstract).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20150601
© Sannikov S. N., Sannikov D. S., 2015
A conception of the adaptation of Scots pine populations to the natural regeneration on open sites with the mosaic retained stand and mineralized soil surface on the basis of the ecological-genetic-geographical investigations in the forests of the Russia and the theory of petropsammofitness-pyrofitness (Sannikov, 1983) has been substantiated. The methods of clear cuts with the seeding from surrounding forest, seed curtains and sufficiently extent of the substrate preparation for the pine selfsown have been selected and elaborated as a main organization principle of the system «logging-regeneration» in the plains pine forests of the forest zone. High regeneration efficiency of this system with the application of original aggregate for the optimal mineralization of the soil substrate (with its synchronous loosing) has been shown on the example of dominating pine forest types in the subzone for-forest-steppe of the Western Siberia. The silvicultural-ecological and reproductive-genetic advantages of retaining seed curtains instead of separate seed trees have been substantiated. The basic parameters of the system «logging-regeneration», which guarantee a sufficient success of the following pine regeneration in the for-forest-steppe subzone, have been determined with the help of the methods of the mathematical imitation modeling of the pine selfsown density depending on the area and localization of seed curtains, surrounding forest and the extent of the substrate mineralization. The zonal differentiated system of the loggings and measures for the regeneration optimization in the climatically substituting pine forest types in the Western Siberia has been elaborated according to the parameters, studied earlier, on the ecological-genetic-geographical basis. The principles of this system in forest zone come to the clear strip-loggings with insemination of cuts from the seed curtains and forest walls, and to the hollow-loggings with the insemination and shading from the surrounding forest walls in the forest-steppe (with the sufficiently mineralization of soil surface in both zones). The approaches and methods of proposed system «logging-regeneration» have been recommended for the plains pine and larch-pine forests of the Western Siberia and geographically substituting forest types in other regions.