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Bikirov Sh. B., Murzakmatov R. T. , Umetalieva N. K., Jumagul kyzy Y., Bostonalieva K. K., Ashyrova B. B. Biological Diversity and Conservation of Forest Ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan

mountain forests, biodiversity, forest degradation, reforestation, forest seed growing, grazing


How to cite: Bikirov Sh. B.1, Murzakmatov R. T.2 , Umetalieva N. K.1, Jumagul kyzy Y.1, Bostonalieva K. K.1, Ashyrova B. B.1 Biological diversity and conservation of forest ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2016. N. 6: 3–12 (in Russian with English abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20160601

© Bikirov Sh. B., Murzakmatov R. T. , Umetalieva N. K., Jumagul kyzy Y., Bostonalieva K. K., Ashyrova B. B., 2016

Kyrgyzstan is a natural repository of genetic resources and the diversity of species and natural laboratory, where at the small area represented almost all altitudinal belts, ranging from semi-desert, ending with glacial-nival belt. This article discusses water-protective, water-regulating, anti-erosion and anti-mudflow functions of each forest category. It analyzes the main factors affecting the degradation of forests and reduction of forest cover in the study area. The complex of silvicultural measures on reforestation in the country and, in particular, to improve the forest seed business. It notes the importance of mountain forests in the national economy, and examines prospects for their conservation and restoration. Protection and rational use of forest genetic resources, which are an integral part of the global ecosystem, begin to take on a special significance in recent years. Due to the high sensitivity of mountain ecosystems of the Tien Shan to human impact, there is a need particularly careful monitoring of wildlife. The practical solution of many problems for the protection of mountain ecosystems directly or indirectly linked to the protection of the unique vegetation of the mountains. To solve these problems we should use the objects of flora and fauna on a legal basis under the rules and regulations set by laws and other normative legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as to benefit from the commercial and other utilization of genetic resources. Such sharing shall be on mutually agreed terms with the local authorities and local communities in their jurisdictions providing such resources.

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