Egorov E. V. Allozyme Geographical Differentiation of Pinus sylvestris L. Populations in Central Siberia and Trans-Baikalia
Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch
8 Marta str., 202, Yekaterinburg, 620144 Russian Federation
How to cite: Egorov E. V. Allozyme geographical differentiation of Pinus sylvestris L. populations in Central Siberia and Trans-Baikalia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2016. N. 5: 12–20 (in Russian with English abstract).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20160502
© Egorov E. V., 2016
Main results of allozyme-geographical study of the polymorphism, differentiation and origin of natural Pinus sylvestris L. populations in 6 phylogeographical regions – Middle Siberian Tableland, Lena-Angara Tableland, South Siberia Mountains, Near-Baikalia, Western Trans-Baikalia and Northern Mongolia have been briefly analyzed and generalized. A relative homogeneity of the population polymorphism in theseregions has been revealed, with the exception of marginal ones (Tura, Ulan-Bator). Genetic distances of M. Nei (1978, DN78) between the extremely remote populations in the investigated regions reach the level of the geographical race, but they are several time lesser in the regions’ limits – not more of the genosystmatic level of the middle differentiated local populations (DN78 = 0.010–0.012). The geographical group of the South Siberia Mountains stand apart distinctly (DN78 = 0.018±0.004) in the genogeographical structure of P. sylvestrison the basis of Nei`s genetic distances analysis and of the genosystematic scale (Sannikov, Petrova, 2012). Besides the Selenga population group (in the rank of local population, DN78 = 0.013), also as well the Angara-Yenisei and North-Baikal population group (in the rank of subpopulation, DN78 = 0.004–0.008) stand apart on the rest of the territory. Gradient-analysis of the genetic distances revealed the borders between the phylogeographical groups of pine populations on the Lena-Angara and Central-Siberian plateaus, on the one hand, in the South Siberia Mountains, Near-Baikal and Trans-Baikalia, on the other hand, and an important role of l. Baikal as a barrier of the migration and differentiation of the populations. As an analysis result of minimal genetic distances between 25 P. sylvestris populations in the south «non-glacial» zone and the group of 8 populations in the «glacial» zone 4 main refugiums (South-Near-Baikal, South-Ural, Upper-Vitim and Upper-Olekma) and several secondary refugiums have been revealed.