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Paramonov E. G., Rybkina I. D. Stabilization of Aley River Water Content by Forest Stands

basin, water content, water consumption, forest cover, protective forest stands, water protection zone, eco-balance in timber harvesting and cattle grazing


How to cite: Paramonov E. G., Rybkina I. D. Stabilization of Aley river water content by forest stands // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science). 2016. N. 3: 57–66 (in Russian with English abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20160306

© Paramonov E. G., Rybkina I. D., 2016

Aley river basin is one of the most developed territories in West Siberia. Initially, the development here was related to the development of ore mining in the Altai. Currently it is associated mainly with the agricultural orientation of economic development. The intensive involvement of basin lands into the economic turnover for the last 100 years contributed to the formation of a number of environmental problems, such as water and wind erosion, loss of soil fertility and salinization, and desertification of the territory. Besides, the decrease of Aley river water content due to natural and anthropogenic reasons was observed. A specific feature of water management in Aley river basin is a significant amount of water resources used for irrigation purposes and agricultural water supply. To ensure the economic and drinking water supply, two reservoirs and a number of ponds have been constructed and operate in the basin. Forest ecosystems of the basin are considered from the viewpoint of preservation and restoration of small rivers. The ability of forest to accumulate solid precipitation and intercept them during the snowmelt for a longer time reduces the surface drainage and promotes transfer into the subsurface flow, significantly influencing the water content of permanent watercourses, is shown. The state of protective forest plantations in Aley river basin is analyzed. Aley river tributaries are compared by area, the length of water flow, and forest coverage of the basin. It is proposed to regulate the runoff through drastic actions on the increase of forest cover in the plain and especially in the mountainous parts of the basin. Measures to increase the forest cover within water protection zones, afforestation of temporary and permanent river basins, and the protection of agricultural soil fertility are worked out.

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