Pimenov A. V. The History and Prospects of Botanical Resource Science at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS
UDC 581.6
How to cite: Pimenov A. V. The history and prospects of botanical resource science at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2019. N. 4. P. 4–9 (in Russian with English abstract).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20190401
© Pimenov A. V., 2019
The historical aspects of research in the field of botanical resource science, current directions of research and the prospects of this study in V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS are discussed. The socio-economic and bioecological problems of resource research studies are provided. It is stated that the creation of an extensive database on localization, production dynamics, biochemical features, harvesting technologies and other consumer aspects for the main types of industrial, nutritional and medicinal plant species of Siberia should be studied; regulatory documents with recommendations on harvesting and technologies for processing vegetable raw materials should be developed. The sequence of stages and main blocks of promising areas of resource research are characterized. The following are indicated as promising areas of research: 1) assessment of the resource potential of the morphological and ecotypic intraspecies forms of conifers in pessimal environmental conditions 2) identification of potential distribution of forest resources using data of remote sensing of the Earth and a digital elevation model 3) diagnostics of floristic composition of economically valuable plants, phytocenotic and geoecological features of their growth in technogenic and silvicultural communities on fallow lands 4) development of technologies for the production of vegetable nutrition for farm animals (stocks, biologically optimal timing and volume of harvesting) 5) treatment methods of raw materials (drying, grinding, thermal and physicochemical modification) 6) technologies for environmentally efficient utilization of wood sawdust using soil microorganisms and optimizing their biochemical activity with micro doses of fertilizers 7) development of coniferous technologies for the production of technical and food products based on chips and barks. The bibliography of the most important publications at the Institute in the field of forest resources is given.