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Tsvetkov P. A., Kudinov E. N. Estimation of Fire Resistance of Partially Logged Pine Stands in the Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe

Scotch pine forests, stand fire resistance, logging, weighted points, Krasnoyarsk Krai


UDC 630*431.2

How to cite: Tsvetkov P. A., Kudinov E. N. Estimation of fire resistance of partially logged pine stands in the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2019. N. 5. P. 54–60 (in Russian with English abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20190507

© Tsvetkov P. A., Kudinov E. N., 2019

Received 18.02.2019

Scots pine forests are by nature extremely fire hazardous. They are characterized by high fire frequency compared to other forest formations. This is due to their high natural fire danger, as well as high recreation, which is determined by a fairly dense road network and frequent forest attendance by the population. In the same time, about 90 % of all forest fires are caused by humans. High fire frequency in the forest-steppe Scots pine stands results in negative silvicultural and economic consequences. In the forest-steppe pine forests, partial logging (selective, gradual, etc.) is carried out with a certain frequency, which has a certain impact on their fire danger, fire resistance and post-pyrogenic consequences. One of the possible ways to reduce the negative effects of forest fires is to increase fire resistance of Scots pine stands. The development of evidence-based fire prevention measures requires a comprehensive assessment of their fire resistance. The article identifies the main factors of fire resistance Scots pine stands. These factors include forest fuel loads, the average diameter of the stand, the average bark thickness, the average distance to the beginning of the crown, the average depth of the roots, the proportion of deciduous species in the stand and in the undergrowth, density and height of regeneration. The article provides a comprehensive assessment of the fire resistance of the partially (selective) logged Scots pine forests of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. Evaluation of fire resistance is made on a point system by finding the sum of so-called «weighted» points.

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