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Korotaeva N. E., Ivanova M. V., Suvorova G. G., Borovskii G. B. Dehydrins in the Adaptation of Common Pine and Siberian Spruce to Growing Conditions During Vegetation Period

Pinus sylvestris L., Picea obovata Ledeb., needles, proteins, seasonal adaptation


UDC 574.24

How to cite: Korotaeva N. E., Ivanova M. V., Suvorova G. G., Borovskii G. B. Dehydrins in the adaptation of common pine and Siberian spruce to growing conditions during vegetation period // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2020. N. 6. P. 54–63 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20200605

Korotaeva N. E., Ivanova M. V., Suvorova G. G., Borovskii G. B., 2020

The role of stress proteins in the formation of plant adaptability to environmental conditions has not yet been fully revealed. To identify the role of dehydrins (DH) in the strategy of biochemical adaptation in species occupying different ecological niches, we compared the amount and seasonal dynamics of DH in coniferous Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. and the Siberian spruce Picea obovata Ledeb. during the growing season. Weather conditions during the study period were favorable for photosynthetic activity of conifers. Based on the total monthly intensity of CO2 uptake, the physiological activity of both species did not differ from the average values of this indicator for these species. The quantitative ratio of the constitutive DH content of 72 and 55 CD, which varies depending on the season, as well as the accumulation of “unique” DH for each species, which were located in the high - and low - molecular area of pine and in the medium-molecular area of spruce, turned out to be different in pine and spruce conifers. The obtained results suggest that the occurrence of Scots pine in more arid vegetation conditions, and Siberian spruce in wetter but colder conditions may be associated with the accumulation of certain DH. The ability of Scots pine and Siberian spruce to occupy different habitats may be related to the increased accumulation of constitutive proteins DG 72 and 70 (in pine) and 55 CD (in spruce), but not differences in the composition of DG.



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