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Kovalev A. P., Alexeenko A. Yu., Lashina E. V., Kachanova T. G. The Need for Changing Priorities in Logging Successional Korean Pine-Broadleaved Forests of the Far East

Korean pine Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc., forest dynamic, wood stock, natural reforestation, cuttings parameters, exploration of cedar broadleaved forests


UDC 630*221.04

How to cite: Kovalev A. P., Alexeenko A. Yu., Lashina E. V., Kachanova T. G. The need for changing priorities in logging successional Korean pine-broadleaved forests of the Far East // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2020. N 2. P. 3–13 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20200201

© Kovalev A. P., Alexeenko A. Yu., Lashina E. V., Kachanova T. G., 2020

The analysis of the condition and the use of Korean pine Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc.-broadleaved forests of the Far East is given. The dynamics of the Korean pine stands under the influence of industrial exploitation are shown taking into account subsequent felling practices and the successful restoration of stands. The reproduction of the Korean pine forests without specific silvicultural measures can extend for a long period with the change of the main forest-forming species, that is connected with the heterogeneity and age structure of the components of tree stands. The prohibition of industrial logging in the Korean pine-deciduous forests of the Far East, which was the result of the intensive depletion of this formation, did not completely remove the severity of the problem and did not provide stabilization of the Korean pine forests. Subsequent harvesting of wood in the successional post-cutting forests continues to lead to degradation of the Korean pine stands and does not contribute to its restoration within the boundaries of its range. Final felling of all commercial trees up to a smaller trees leads to a degradation, depletion of the species composition of forest stands and decrease in its environmental and industrial significance. This is especially evident when felling hardwood species involved in almost all types of the Korean pine-broadleaved forests. To preserve the structure and stability of the stands during logging operations, it is necessary to clearly regulate the intensity, repeatability and felling-tree diameters when appointing Manchurian ash Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., Mongolian oak Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb., small-leaved maple Acer mono Maxim., and yellow birch Betula costata Trautv. trees. Based on the assessment, logging and the characteristics of the newly formed stands, the most optimal techniques and basic organizational and technical parameters of industrial logging for specific forest formations of coniferous-broadleaved forests formed on the site of the Korean pine growing conditions are proposed.



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