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Milyutin L. I., Skripal’schikova L. N. Problems and Perspectives of Technogenic Forestry

forest ecosystems, technogenic forests and forestry, recreational forests


UDC 504.05:630*2

Milyutin L. I., Skripal’schikova L. N. Problems and perspectives of technogenic forestry // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2020. N. 6. P. 81–85 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20200607

© Milyutin L. I., Skripal’schikova L. N., 2020

A brief overview of studies of technogenic impacts on industrial botany and forest ecosystems is given. A list of the leading Russian scientific schools conducting research in technogenic impacts on forest ecosystems in different regions is demonstrated. The main objects of their studies are named. Schematically in the field of technogenic forestry several groups of research objects have been identified: 1. Forests near output sources of techchnogenic pollution. 2. Forests of green areas around large cities and industrial centers. 3. Urban forests and forest parks; 4. Cultivated forest stands in geographically non-forest areas (steppe, forest-tundra and so on). The necessary generalized of the results their studies and separate these into the branch of biology – technogenic forest science is proved. Also discussed is functioning of recreational forests. These forest stands are included in the structures of forests of green zones, suburban and urban forests, forest parks. In these forests it is important to maintain a positive balance between the excessive anthropogenic load of the residents and their full rest. It is noted, that forest stands, firstly urban forests and forest parks are of reference to regional or governmental authorities, which can and does not rely do it. It is confirmed that the most universal and effective direction for the theory and practice of protection of nature and man is general technogenic forest science.



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