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Samsonova N. A., Gusakova M. A., Bogolitsyn K. G., Selivanova N. V. Componential Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Essential oil of Wood Greenery of Juniperus Communis l. in the Subarctic Region of Russia

common juniper, male and female trees, chromato-mass spectrometry


UDC 582*477+665*53+615*281*9

How to cite: Samsonova N. A.1, Gusakova M. A.1, Bogolitsyn K. G.1, 2, Selivanova N. V.Componential composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil of wood greenery of Juniperus communis l. in the Subarctic region of Russia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2020. N 2. P. 31–39 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20200204

© Samsonova N. A., Gusakova M. A., Bogolitsyn K. G., Selivanova N. V., 2020

Common juniper Juniperus communis L. is one of the most valuable raw material sources of essential oils in the Subarctic region of Russia. It is obligatory dioecious species, found in the underbrush in almost all forest types on the northern border of its range. The chemical composition of essential oils obtained from wood greenery of male and female trees of common juniper, growing in the natural biocoenoses of the northern taiga subzone is presented in the article. The results showed variations in the yields of juniper essential oils depending on the gender of trees (3.95 % (v/w dried materials) from male trees and 4.65 % from female trees in the initial growing season). Twenty eight terpene compounds with content of more than 0.1 % were identified by chromatography-mass spectrometry. The most representative fraction of the essential oil of male and female juniper trees is monoterpene hydrocarbons, 67.98 % (of the total essential oils) in male trees and 60.95 % in female trees. The essential oil of male trees is characterized by the highest total yield of mono- and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, whereas the highest content of oxygen-containing derivatives of terpenes is noted for the essential oil of female trees. According to the quantitative composition data, the Common juniper essential oils contain a wide range of biologically active substances that exhibit a variety of pharmacological properties. The antibacterial activity of the essential oils of both female and male trees junipers was evaluated against 3 bacteria: colibacillus Escherichia coli Migula ATCC 25922; goldish staphylococcus Staphylococcus aureus Rosenbach ATCC 6538; blue pus organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Schroeter) Migula ATCC 27853, by the paper disk diffusion method. The essential oils of Common juniper showed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against gram-negative bacteria. The results demonstrated the perspective of using wood greenery juniper like a pharmaceutical substance for obtaining essential oils as components of plant compounds and natural products with antibacterial properties.



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