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Storozhenko V. G. The Evolutionary Principles of Sustainability of Forest Communities

forest sustainability, spruce formations, age structures, mosaic, undergrowth of spruce, rotten fouts


UDC 630*182.22

How to cite: Storozhenko V. G. The evolutionary principles of sustainability of forest communities // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2020. N. 4. P. 87–96 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20200410

© Storozhenko V. G., 2020

The article discusses the problem of sustainability of forest communities. The structures of indigenous virgin forests of different ages of spruce formations of the southern taiga subzone located in the nature reserve «Kologrivsky Forest» (Kostroma Oblast) were studied. In the tree stands of three biogeocenoses, dynamic characteristics are different – de-mutational, digressive, and close to climax. In the most productive types of forests, sample plots are laid, on which the age-related, horizontal structures of stands with the division into age-related generations were determined and mosaics of age generations the number and volume of wood mortality at the stages of decomposition of dead trunks, parameters of natural regeneration of the main and associated breeds, the magnitude of the damage to trees and stands by wood-destroying fungi of the biotrophic complex, composition and structure of species of fungi of biotrophic and xylotrophic complexes. All studied biogeocenoses have a different age structure, but a different ratio of tree volumes in age generations. On the area of biogeocenoses, mosaics of various sizes are distinguished, which belong to different age generations of the age group of tree stands. The number of undergrowth of spruce and other species was determined by gradations of height and age, characteristic of spruce forests of the southern taiga subzone in comparison with the northern taiga subzone. Values of affliction of stands by rotten faunas caused by tree-destroying fungi of the biotrophic complex are considered. The species composition of wood-destroying fungi belonging to different types of nutrition is determine All the studied indices of the structures of indigenous spruce forests of the southern taiga are necessary in shaping the quality of sustainability of forest communities not only of spruce forest formations, but also of forests of other species formations.



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