Sokolov V. A. Problems of Forest Planning in Russia
UDC 630.6
Sokolov V. A. Problems of forest planning in Russia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2021. N. 1. P. 3–12 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20210101
© Sokolov V. A., 2021
Forestry organization is the key task of forest planning that is completed in close connection with forest economy and forest management. Specific problems of sustainable forestry organization and forest use should be solved on this basis. In Russia forest planning development alternated with forestry declining stage and revival. A new declining stage of forest sector, inсluding forest planning, is clearly observable after the Soviet breakup. Forestry is a production industry in which laws of the market economy are in force. A basis of forestry revival would be an objective market ecological and economic valuation of forest resources that will be provided by reemerging forest planning. It is the forest planning that should create the forest economic base of the organization of forestry and forest use. This is an essential tool for forest planning, both strategic and operational. To paraphrase Prof. Mikhail M. Orlov, “forest planning is the guide of forest administration in the case of blindness of the latter.” The change of the national forest management system owing to enactment of the Forest Code in 2006 led to significant degradation of the forest planning system, which caused transfer of forest management functions from the federal level to the regional level and a substantial reduction in the volume of forest planning fieldwork. The state owns the major part of the forest fund and it is the state, and not the Russian Federation region, that should provide up-to-date reliable forest information primarily to make grounded managerial decisions and to develop strategic and operative planning documents. The latest efforts of the Federal Forestry Service to revive intensive forestry will end in failure if the forest planning system is not revived on a modern innovative basis. This basis should include the forest economic base of forestry organization and forest use. This is an essential tool for forest planning.
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