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Voronin V. V., Tret’yakov S. V., Shumilova Yu. N., Karpov А. А., Ermolina M. A. Justification of Forest Management Measures for Recreational Forests of the North-East of the European Part of Russia

recreational loads in forests, recreational digression stage, road and path network, living ground cover


UDC 630*1 + 630*627.3

How to cite: Voronin V. V.1, Tret’yakov S. V.1, 2, Shumilova Yu. N.1, Karpov А. А.1, 2, Ermolina M. A.1, 2 Justification of forest management measures for recreational forests of the North-East of the European part of Russia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2021. N. 4. P. 56–63 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20210405

© Voronin V. V., Tret’yakov S. V., Shumilova Yu. N., Karpov А. А., Ermolina M. A., 2021

The forests of the European North-East of Russia have a great potential for recreational activities. The growth of cities, the development of infrastructure, and the construction of new highways of federal and regional significance, contribute to the involvement of all new areas of forest for recreational use. The increase in the flow of tourists causes a conflict between recreational forest management and the need to protect nature in these areas. Based on the materials of field studies, an assessment of the anthropogenic impact on the objects of recreational forest use is given, and the regularities of the influence of recreational load on the state of forest stands are determined. The existing standards for recreational forests are analyzed. They require updating, according to the current forest legislation. The obtained data served as the basis for the development of recommendations for forest management in recreational forests, aimed at preserving and improving their quality condition and increasing the resistance of forest biogeocenoses to anthropogenic impact.



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