Yarmishko V. T., Ignat’eva O. V. Communities of Pinus sylvestris L. in the Technogenic Environment in the European North of Russia: Structure, Features of Growth, Condition
1 Komarov Bot. Inst., Rus. Acad. Sci.
Prof. Popov str., 2, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russian Federation
2 S. M. Kirov Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University
Institutskiy pereulok, 5, St. Petersburg, 194021 Russian Federation
UDC 470.1+581.552.5+630.425+633.877.3
How to cite: V. T. Yarmishko1, O. V. Ignat’eva2 Communities of Pinus sylvestris L. in the technogenic environment in the European north of Russia: structure, features of growth, condition // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2021. N. 3. P. 44–55 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20210305
© Yarmishko V. T., Ignat’eva O. V., 2021
Lichen-green-moss pine forests represented by Scotch pine Pinus sylvestris L. of the III-IV age classes were studied under conditions of various modes of aerial technogenic environmental pollution in the central part of the Kola Peninsula. It is established that the current trends in the formation of secondary pine forests in deforestation and burning in the background areas are due to natural processes and intra-population relationships. Aerial technogenic pollution of SO2 with heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Co, etc.) is the main cause of damage, weakening and even destruction of pine forests. The first sign of deviation from the norm of the state of scots pine is the dechromation of needles. The area of the affected surface of the needles with chlorosis and necrosis can reach 75 % or more. Premature fall of damaged needles is the reason for the reduction of its life expectancy on trees to 2–3 years in the area of intensive pollution in comparison with 6–7 years in the background stands. Atmospheric pollution suppresses growth processes in Scotch pine: up to 40–70 % increase in the height of the central shoots and 30 % or more increase in diameter in comparison with undisturbed communities. Under the influence of pollutants, the vital structure of medium-aged pine forests of lichen-green moss significantly deteriorates. Currently observed improvement of the pine forests in the areas of industrial air pollution on the Kola Peninsula (reduction of damage to the needles and increase its lifespan in trees, the intensification of the growth processes, improving the living condition of individual trees and forest stands) indicate a positive response of Pinus sylvestris at reducing aerial technogenic load.
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