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Siberian Journal of Forest Science
Knowledge of forests – a treasure for mankind
Archive (2014-2021)
Articles 2023
Archive (2014-2021)
Issue 1:
1. CONTENTS (2022, N 1)
2. Prituzhalova O. A., Gorshkova M. V. Comparative Analysis of the Requirements of the Russian Forest Legislation and FSC Forest Certification
pg. 3–19;
3. Afanas’eva L. V., Kalugina O. V., Oskorbina M. V., Kharpukhaeva T. M. Features of Elemental Composition and Pigment Complex of the Siberian Larch Needles under Impact of Irkutsk Aluminum Smelter Emissions
pg. 20–32;
4. Shavnin S. A., Golikov D. Yu., Montile A. A., Kapralov A. V., Grigor’eva A. V. Relationships Between Morphological Characteristics of Roots and Stem Sapwood Twisted Layer of Scots Pine Trees Growing in the Upper Bog
pg. 33–40;
5. Gorbunova S. V., Sen’kov A. O., Fayzulin D. H. The Experience of Using a Humic Preparation for Growing Coniferous Ball-Rooted Seedlings in the Conditions of Arkhangelsk Oblast
pg. 41–51;
6. Makarov S. S., Kuznetsova I. B., Rodin S. A., Tsaregradskaya S. Yu., Belan A. I. Adaptation of European Cranberry Oxycoccus palustris Pers. to Non-Sterile Conditions with the Addition of Organic Products and Hormones
pg. 52–60;
7. Zyryanova O. A. Scientific Heritage of Professor Akira Osawa
pg. 61–70;
8. Kashkarov E. P. In the Center of Siberian Anticyclone (Celebrating 70th Birthday of Oleg Alexandrovich Pomortsev) *
9. Leonid Iosifovich Milyutin (17.05.1931 – 26.01.2022) *
10. Alexander Petrovich Kazankin (05.06.1929 – 20.01.2022) *
Issue 2:
1. CONTENTS (2022, N 2)
2. Stasova V. V., Skripal’shchikova L. N., Astrakhantseva N. V., Barchenkov A. P. Morphological and Anatomical Characteristics and Pigment Composition of Scotch Pine Needles in Green Stands of Krasnoyarsk City
pg. 3–10;
3. Kabonen A. V., Gavrilova O. I., Gryazkin A. V., Pak K. A. Assessment of Natural Forest Regeneration After Fire Using Data Obtained with Unnmaned Aerial Vehicle
pg. 11–20;
4. Sinkevich S. M. Silvicultural Efficiency of Strip-Shelterwood Felling in Pine Stand of Mid-Taiga Subzone of Karelia
pg. 21–28;
5. Storozhenko V. G. Structures of Wood Fractions and Volumes of Wood Components in Spruce Biogeocenoses of the Taiga of European Russia
pg. 29–40;
6. Demakov Yu. P., Isaev А. V., Nureeva Т. V. An Experience in Creating Mixed Forest Crops in Mari Zavolzh’e
pg. 41–47;
7. Ivan Semenovich Kosenko (03.12.1940 – 10.04.2022) *
Issue 3:
1. CONTENTS (2022, N 3)
2. Onuchin A. A. Foreword From the Scientific Editor for Thematic Issue of the Siberian Journal of Forest Science
pg. 3–5;
3. Onuchin A. A., Petrenko A. E., Sobachkin D. S., Sobachkin R. S. Reaction of Young Pine Stands in Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe to Thinning and Application of Nitrogen Fertilizers
pg. 6–14;
4. Onuchin A. A., Sobachkin D. S., Sobachkin R. S. Petrenko A. E., Ivanov V. V. Reaction of Middle-Aged Pine Stands in Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe to Nitrogen Fertilizers and Thinning
pg. 15–23;
5. Pshenichnikova L. S., Onuchin A. A., Sobachkin R. S., Petrenko A. E. The Growth Specifics of Pine Crops of Various Density in the Siberian Southern Taiga
pg. 24–33;
6. Sobachkin R. S., Sobachkin D. S., Petrenko A. E. The Specifics of Growth and Productivity of Young Pine Stands, Formed of the Trees of the Different Cenotic Position
pg. 34–39;
7. Borisov A. N., Ivanov V. V. Simulation Modeling of the Growth of Pine Stands
pg. 40–47;
8. Lebedev A. V., Kuzmichev V. V. Stand Site Index Scale Development Using the Generalized Algebraic Difference Approach
pg. 48–58;
9. Usoltsev V. А., Tsepordey I. S. Geographical Patterns of Changes in the Basic Density of Wood and Bark of Forest-Forming Species of Eurasia
pg. 59–68;
Issue 4:
1. CONTENTS (2022, N 4)
2. Karpenko L. V., Grenaderova A. V., Mikhailova A. B., Podobueva O. V. Reconstruction of Holocene Local Fires According to the Macrocharcoals Content from the Peat Deposits in the Dubches River Valley
pg. 3–13;
3. Efremova T. T., Shapchenkova O. A., Efremov S. P., Avrova A. F., Sedel'nikov M. V. Ecological-Geochemical Assessment of Swamp Spruce Forests Peat Soils of Kuznetsk Alatau
pg. 14–25;
4. Farber S. K., Kuz'mik N. S., Goryaeva E. V. Environmental Value of Forests of the Uchum Lake Resort Zone: Fire Damage Assessment
pg. 26–34;
5. Petrunina E. A., Loskutov S. R., Ryazanova T. V., Aniskina A. A., Permyakova G. V., Stasova V. V. Comparative Analysis of Physical-Chemical Properties of Larch and Pine Bark: Thermal Analysis and Analytical Pyrolysis
pg. 35–49;
6. Martynova M. A., Lobanov A. I. Experience of Reproduction and Development Dynamics of Vegetative Renewal of Phlox sibirica L. in Crops in the South of Central Siberia
pg. 50–56;
7. Nikolin E. G. The Altitude Limit of the Kayander Larch (Larix cajanderi Mayr) Distribution in the Spurs of the Chuvanskiy Ridge (Basin of River Ozernoe Gorlo, Chukotka)
pg. 57–62;
Issue 5:
1. CONTENTS (2022, N 5)
2. Efremov S. P., Efremova Т. Т., Pimenov А. V., Sedel’nikova Т. S. Phytocenotic and Inventory Indication of Bog Pine Forests in the Ob’-Tom’ Interfluve
pg. 3–21;
3. Erunova M. G., Knorre А. А. The Wild Fires Retrospective Analysis in the National Park «Krasnoyarsk Stolby»
pg. 22–33;
4. Kryuchkova O. E. Macromycetes of Birch Forests of Krasnoyarsk City under Recreational Load
pg. 34–45;
5. Kirienko M. A., Goncharova I. A. Inventory of Arboriflora at Krasnoyarsk Central Park
pg. 46–55;
6. Shapchenkova O. A., Loskutov S. R., Plyashechnik M. A., Pásztory Z. Thermal Analysis and Pyrolysis–Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry of Fossil Wood from the Locality of Bükkábrány, Hungary
pg. 56–69;
7. Zyryanova O. A., Muratova E. N., Bondarev A. I. Anatoly Platonovich Abaimov and His Scientific Heritage (Celebrating 75th Birthday, 18.08.1947 – 14.07.2006)
pg. 70–81;
8. Efremov S. P. Strokes of Memory of the Siberian Scientist in the Field of General and Permafrost Forest Science Anatoly Platonovich Abaimov (in the Ornament of the Landscapes of Taimyr and Some Events) *
9. Glushko S. G., Prokhorenko N. B., Terekhina N. V. Tat’yana Alexandrovna Komarova (Celebrating 80th Birthday) *
Issue 6:
1. CONTENTS (2022, N 6)
2. Kovalev A. P., Kachanova T. G. Silvicultural Assessment of Wood Harvesting Technologies in Coniferous-Broad-Leaved Forests of the Far East
pg. 3–11;
3. Zamolodchikov D. G., Ivanov A. V., Grabovskiy V. I., Yust N. A., Timchenko N. A. Environmental Functions of Protective Forests in Amur Oblast
pg. 12–21;
4. Kuz’mina N. P., Ermolaeva S. V., Chevychelov A. P. Microbocenoses of Permafrost Forest Soils in Central Yakutia
pg. 22–33;
5. Prokushkin S. G., Petrenko A. E., Zyryanova O. A., Prokushkin A. S. Stocks of Phytodetrite and its Biogenic Elements in Larch Forests in Small Watershead Basin of Central Evenkia
pg. 34–44;
6. Kharpukhaeva T. M., Afanas’eva L. V., Kalugina O. V., Oskorbina M. V. Species Composition and Vegetation Structure of Light Coniferous Forests under Pollution of Aluminum Smelter Emissions in Irkutsk Oblast
pg. 45–57;
7. Usoltsev V. А., Tsepordey I. S. Models and Tables of the Phytomass of Dead Branches in Growing Trees of Scots Pine and Silver Birch in the Steppe Zone
pg. 58–65;
8. Egorova I. N., Tupikova G. S., Shergina O. V. Soil Algae of Forest Stands of the Town of Usolʼe-Sibirskoe and its Surrounding Territories (Irkutsk Oblast)
pg. 66–77;
9. Tselitan I. A., Danilin I. M. Valuation of the Cost of Green Stands in Beysky District, Republic of Khakassia
pg. 78–86;
10. Sedykh V. N. Renewal of the Forest in Blown Sands
pg. 87–92;
11. Ivanov O. A., Kopytkov V. V., Dugarzhav Ch. Anatoly Ivanovich Lobanov (Celebrating 70th Birthday and 50th Anniversary of Scientific Activity) *
pg. 93–98;