Efremov S. P. Strokes of Memory of the Siberian Scientist in the Field of General and Permafrost Forest Science Anatoly Platonovich Abaimov (in the Ornament of the Landscapes of Taimyr and Some Events) *
Anatoly Platonovich Abaimov, permafrost forest science, Norilsk industrial region, Taimyr
* Article is published in online edition in author's alteration
UDC 630
How to cite: Efremov S. P. Strokes of memory of the Siberian scientist in the field of general and permafrost forest science Anatoly Platonovich Abaimov (in the ornament of the landscapes of Taimyr and some events) // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2022. N. 5. 16 p. (in Russian with English abstract).
© Efremov S. P., 2022
The article is devoted to the author's memoirs about Anatoly Platonovich Abaimov, a well-known scientist in the field of general and permafrost forest science, during his work at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch.