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Efremova T. T., Shapchenkova O. A., Efremov S. P., Avrova A. F., Sedel'nikov M. V. Ecological-Geochemical Assessment of Swamp Spruce Forests Peat Soils of Kuznetsk Alatau

mountain peat soils, geochemistry of elements, pollution, formalized classification, multidimensional statistical analysis


UDC 504.064.36:550.4:631.445.12

How to cite: Efremova T. T.1, Shapchenkova O. A.1, Efremov S. P.1, Avrova A. F.1, Sedel'nikov M. V.2 Ecological-geochemical assessment of swamp spruce forests peat soils of Kuznetsk Alatau // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2022. N. 4. P. 14–25 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20220402

© Efremova T. T., Shapchenkova O. A., Efremov S. P., Avrova A. F., Sedel'nikov M. V., 2022

The studies were carried out in forest peat soils of swampy river valleys of the eastern macroslope of the Kuznetsk Alatau. The content of macro- and microelements in the layer of modern soils (0–30 cm) varies greatly (Cv 42–88 %). The weighted average amount (taking into account the thickness of soil horizons and peat areas) within the orographic profile of 1087–573 m a. s. l. is: Fe8623> Al7295> Mn335> Sr230> Zn37.8> Cr15.4> Cu13.2> Ni9.9> Pb4.6> Co3.4> Cd0.21, mg/kg. The methods of multidimensional statistical analysis have been used to structure peat soils according to the content of ash elements into three clusters corresponding to altitudinal gradient – 1087, 832–622, 573 m a. s l. Zn and Fe have the greatest discriminating ability (82.6 %). A smaller share of the difference is provided by Cu, Ni (17.4 %). The topographic series of river valley peat soils are determined by the hydrogeochemical zonality of groundwater, as well as the removal of elements by lateral migration flows. For the first time, the boundaries of the vertical altitudinal zonality of peat soils are statistically were proved by the content of mineral elements and the geochemical composition of the selected ecotopic series (clusters) of soils is characterized. Only Pb and Cd accumulate in the soils of the autonomous landscape (highlands). In comparison with it, in the cluster of soils of the middle highlands, the amount of most ash elements increases by an average of 2 times. In the low mountains, the intensity of accumulation weakens somewhat. In the soil profile, the radial geochemical migration of iron as a characteristic element of swamps is more strongly positively correlated with the ash content of the peat substrate, strontium – with the soil pH, Cu and Mn – with fulvic acids. In the current period, no technogenic degradation of peat soils of the eastern macroslope of the Kuznetsk Alatau has been detected. The ecological and geochemical features of mountain peat soils are consistent with the characteristics of the natural biogeochemical provinces on the south of Central Siberia, within which they develop.



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