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Gorbunova S. V., Sen’kov A. O., Fayzulin D. H. The Experience of Using a Humic Preparation for Growing Coniferous Ball-Rooted Seedlings in the Conditions of Arkhangelsk Oblast

planting material with closed root system, humates, stimulant, seedlings, Norway spruce Picea abies L., Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L.


UDC 630*232.3

How to cite: Gorbunova S. V., Sen’kov A. O., Fayzulin D. H. The experience of using a humic preparation for growing coniferous ball-rooted seedlings in the conditions of Arkhangelsk Oblast // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2022. N. 1. P. 41–51 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20220104

© Gorbunova S. V., Sen’kov A. O., Fayzulin D. H., 2022

The use of environmentally-friendly stimulants (humates) is one way to realization of the principle that the annual area of reforestation is equal to the area of fellings carried out, as well as the timely supply of quality planting stock to forest users at an acceptable cost. The purpose of the research is to study the extent to which the humic specimen stimulates growth and development of softwood ball-rooted seedlings. The influence of solutions of various concentrations of humic preparation «Ecorost» as a plant food on growth of pine and spruce seedlings in containers in the forest nursery of the Arkhangelsk Oblast for 2 years was analyzed. In addition, the Norway spruce seed preparation product was considered. The results of the work confirmed the possibility and prospects of using humic preparations in the production of softwood planting stock. The yield of standard plants for the Dvinsko-Vychegodskiy forest district increased by 36.9 % and 34.6 % respectively for pine and spruce with a 10 ml by 10 l water solution for watering. The weight of seedlings increased on experimental versions as compared to control, and the substrate became more resistant. The germinating energy increased by 10.0–13.0 % by virtue of pre-plant soaking of spruce seeds compared to control, the germinability increased by 9.3–12.3 %, seed germination reduced from 8 to 6 days. Further research on the use of such stimulants in forest production is recommended, considering the positive effect of humic specimen on pine and spruce seedlings.



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