Kashkarov E. P. In the Center of Siberian Anticyclone (Celebrating 70th Birthday of Oleg Alexandrovich Pomortsev) *
International Rhythm Research Institute
Sunnyside Road, 571, Trout Lake, WA, 98650 United States
E-mail: e.kashkarov@gmail.com
* Article is published in online edition
UDС 551:630*181
How to cite: Kashkarov E. P. In the center of Siberian anticyclone (Celebrating 70th birthday of Oleg Alexandrovich Pomortsev) // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2022. N. 1. 10 p. (in Russian with English abstract and references).
© Kashkarov E. P., 2022
The essay for the 70th anniversary of O. A. Pomortsev introduces his contribution to the development of E. V. Maximov's (1972, 1995) theory of rhythms of natural processes. O. A. Pomortsev born 21 February 1952, he is Associate Professor for the Department of Permafrost Science at the North-East Federal University in the city of Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). He is the first official post-graduate student of Maximov and his best pupil, who managed to develop the main provisions of the theory in his studies. These are, first of all, studies of the Siberian anticyclone (2008), the influence of northern river ice on the growth of pine and larch (2007), biphasic activity of the Sun in 11-year solar rhythm (2009, 2010), the phenomenon of distant and long-distance mammal migrations under influence of hundred-year rhythm of climate warming (2008), synchronism of Holocene events in Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the hundred and 2600-year rhythms (2015), and, finally, the origin of loess (2021). On the wave of global warming that began in 1970s, O. A. Pomortsev discovered many parallels in climate development of modern and past epochs. This is the outstripping rates of warming observed, strangely enough, at the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere – at the center of Siberian anticyclone in Yakutia. The same discovery related to conservation role of cold cores of the Siberian anticyclone, capable to keep refugiums of glacial epochs in Arctic, Verkhoyan'e, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Manchuria. Thanks to such refugiums mammoth on Wrangel Island survived their fellows, lived outside of the cold cores on Yamal, Gydan, in the lower reaches of Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma Rivers by 7–8 thousand years and became extinct only 3.7 thousand years ago (Orlova et al, 2000). With modern warming, the cold core of the Siberian anticyclone on Wrangel Island retains the main maternity home of another endemic of the North, the polar bear. This is the largest predator on the planet.
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