Martynova M. A., Lobanov A. I. Experience of Reproduction and Development Dynamics of Vegetative Renewal of Phlox sibirica L. in Crops in the South of Central Siberia
UDC 635.939.43:581.165.1(571.5)
How to cite: Martynova M. A., Lobanov A. I. Experience of reproduction and development dynamics of vegetative renewal of Phlox sibirica L. in crops in the south of Central Siberia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2022. N. 4. P. 50–56 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20220405
© Martynova M. A., Lobanov A. I., 2022
Attracting new species and varieties of ornamental plants is an urgent task of greening and landscape construction. The purpose of the study was to generalize the experience and investigate dynamics of the development of vegetative renewal of the Siberian phlox (Phlox sibirica L.) in crops in the south of Central Siberia. The objectives of the study were to study the dynamics of development of the vegetative renewal of the Siberian phlox, and to determine the area of tufts formed by the spreading material during the growing season in the years of observation. According to the method of B. A. Dospekhov, in the Khakass Botanical Garden, by the method of organized repetitions, pieces of young rhizomes of a plant with one above-ground shoot were planted in 3 terms with two options (with shelter and without shelter). In the process of observation, at the beginning of the growing season, the number of shoots and the area of vegetative renewal were recorded for three years (2006–2008). It was established that: an increase in the area of turfs in the 1st year of vegetation occurred by 2.0–5.0 times, in the 2nd year – by 1.5–3.3 times, in the 3rd year – by 1.5–4.0 times. The obtained research results are reliable at the 5 % significance level. Over 3 years of vegetation, the increase in the area of turfs in the variants with the initial shelter occurred by 27.5–50.0 times, without shelter – by 50.0–128.0 times. The most active vegetative renewal occurred in plants planted at the earliest time (in early April), where the maximum value of turfs with an area of 1.1 ± 0.02 m2 was obtained in the 3rd year of plant vegetation. On average, for the 1st year of vegetation in the variant with shelter, sods with an area of 0.05 m2 were formed, and in the variant without shelter – 0.03 m2. During the 2nd year of vegetation, in the variant with shelter, sods with an area of 0.33 m2 were formed, and in the variant without shelter, 0.27 m2. During the 3rd year of vegetation in the variant with shelter, sods with an area of 0.57 m2 were formed, and in the variant without shelter – 0.6 m2. In the arid conditions of the south of Central Siberia, for the purposes of greening and landscape construction, it is promising to use the Siberian phlox, which forms a good vegetative renewal and does not require systematic watering.
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