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Storozhenko V. G. Structures of Wood Fractions and Volumes of Wood Components in Spruce Biogeocenoses of the Taiga of European Russia

structures of primary taiga spruce forests, pools and fluxes of С, СО2, Н2О and Q (energy), biomass balance of sustainable spruce forests


UDC 630*182.22

How to cite: Storozhenko V. G. Structures of wood fractions and volumes of wood components in spruce biogeocenoses of the taiga of European Russia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2022. N. 2. P. 29–40 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20220204

© Storozhenko V. G., 2022

The problem of assessing the balance of accumulated and degraded woody biomass in forest communities, the budget of C, CO2, H2O, and Q (energy) in primary virgin forests of different ages of spruce formations in the taiga zone of European Russia is discussed. The studies were carried out in specific biogeocenoses of different dynamic characteristics in the subzones of the northern, middle and southern taiga. The purpose of the research is to study in quantitative and volumetric terms the structural elements of the age series of primary virgin spruce biogeocenoses of different ages of different successional positions, the dynamics of the formation of the stem fraction of wood waste (deadwood), pools and flows of components deposited in the wood of the stem fraction of phytocenoses and tree waste in a single succession series biogeocenoses of various dynamic characteristics. A cycle of studies was carried out on the trial plots, which made it possible to obtain information about the age structures of forest stands, their dynamic indicators, the volume of trees in the age generations of forest stands, the current tree waste and fallen trees. All volume values ​​of forest stands and wood waste are converted into phytomass. The volumes of C, CO2, H2O and Q (energy) deposited in wood and released during its decomposition by wood-destroying fungi were calculated using the formula for mycogenic wood xylolysis. On the example of the spruce biogeocenosis of the middle taiga subzone of the climax phase of dynamics, the mass of carbon, different fractions of wood, presented in a graphic image, was calculated. It has been determined that the volumes of pools and flows of wood components in forest stands and during the decomposition of wood by fungi – destructors are determined by the structural features of the age series of forest stands, the volumes of wood waste in gradations of decomposition stages. A joint analysis of the age structures of forest stands, the structures of current tree waste and deadwood by stages of decomposition aids a more accurate determination of the dynamic position of forest biogeocenosis in the expanded space of its successional development. In the most stable (climax) virgin spruce forests of the taiga, the values ​​of the balance ratios of accumulation and decomposition of biomass represent an optimal budget model and can be regarded as reference values ​​in comparison with forests of different origin and structural characteristics.



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