Kuzmina N. A., Kuzmin S. R. Analysis of Scots Pine Climatypes Growth Dynamics in the Provenance Trial in Central Siberia
How to cite: Kuzmina N. A., Kuzmin S. R. Analysis of Scots pine climatypes growth dynamics in the provenance trial in Central Siberia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2017. N. 2: 31–39 (in Russian with English abstract).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20170204
© Kuzmina N. A., Kuzmin S. R., 2017
Differentiation of 83 Scots pine climatypes by height growth at the age of 37 years in the provenance trial was done. Three groups of climatypes were distinguished as: fast-growing, moderate-growing and slow-growing. The research at the age of 20–25 revealed 13 climatypes of 27 from the fast-growing group as candidates to breed-populations. These climatypes are from Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, Kemerovo Oblast, Murmansk Oblast, Karelia, and the Republic of Komi. At the age of 37 years they confirm the status of perspective climatypes in height growth, survival, and resistance to fungal pathogens as it was noted earlier (Kuzmina, Kuzmin, 2007, 2008). The average height of trees of these climatypes exceeds control height by 32 %. The moderate-growing group consists of 18 climatypes, five of them are candidates to breed-populations. The intensity of their growth was reduced but average height is at the level of control average value. The third group has the largest number of climatypes. After the inventory in 2013 two climatypes previously marked as perspective were added into the third group. Last years the intensity of their growth was significantly reduced because of disease caused by cenangium dieback at the 22–24 years old. So the rank status of studied climatypes in different age periods is significantly changeable because of different reaction to ecological factors. The analysis of annual height increments growth confirms that objective conclusions about selection of perspective climatypes could be possible only after 25 years old of pine.