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Tsvetkov P. A. Forest Pyrology in Russia: Achievements and Problems

forest pyrology, main results, contemporary state, Russia


How to cite: Tsvetkov P. A. Forest pyrology in Russia: achievements and problems // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2017. N. 5: 6–17 (in Russian with English abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20170501

© Tsvetkov P. A., 2017

The state of Russian forest pyrology from the beginning of XXI century to present time was examined in the article. Main problems of basic and applied research of fire scientists for the last years were revealed. The identification of fire’s role as a permanent ecological and evolutional factor of origin, development, and growth of forests was considered to be the aim of basic research. Applied research includes improvement and increase of efficiency of forest protection, estimation, and reasonable usage of positive fire role in a forest. The results of main basic and applied research of scientists from Siberia, Far East, European, and Ural parts of the country were examined. It was emphasized that to present time, forest pyrology accumulated a significant amount of theoretical and applied knowledge. The results of investigations are the basis for planning of fire fighting, selection of means and methods of fire suppression, increase of efficiency of forest protection, estimation and reasonable usage of positive fire role. The foundations of pyroecology as a science of ecological and evolutional role of forest fires were laid down. In total, the results of investigations of Russian scientists were considered as the uniform system of knowledge of forest fire nature and methods of fire suppressions. In spite of this, the modern state of forest pyrology in Russia could not be evaluated as satisfactory, especially after enactment of new RF Forest code since January 1, 2007. The main reasons of such state were determined. The suggestions of its improvement were provided. 

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