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Montile A. A., Yusupov I. A., Montile A. I., Shavnin S. A. Methodical Approach to the Study of Tree Shoots Morphogenesis on Example of Young Scotch Pine Tree Stands, Growing in the Gas Flame Impact Zone

analysis of biometric data, modeling of plant growth, Scotch pine, shoots morphogenesis, influence of environmental factors on growth of woody plants


How to cite: Montile A. A.1, Yusupov I. A.1, Montile A. I.2, Shavnin S. A.1 Methodical approach to the study of tree shoots morphogenesis on example of young Scotch pine tree stands, growing in the gas flame impact zone // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2018. N. 3: 3–10 (in Russian with English abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20180301

© Montile A. A., Yusupov I. A., Montile A. I., Shavnin S. A., 2018

The subject of the study is the relationship between growth of lateral shoots and pine needles. A methodical approach to the mathematical-statistical processing of biometric data is used, which supplements modern methods of analysis. The approach makes it possible to identify both linear and nonlinear relationships between directly measurable characteristics in the form of formula relations, the set of which facilitates the formation of ones own conceptual models or the verification of known ones and helps identify morphometric characteristics that are essential for modeling the studied processes. The presence of the following relationships is established: the inverse dependence of the length of the needles on their density (the number of needles pairs per unit surface area of ​​the auxiblast); the dependence of the length of the auxiblast on the "development" of needles (the product of the number of needles pairs by the length of the needles); the dependence of the number of needles pairs on the shoot and the length of the current year's shoot from the value of shoot increment of the previous year; the relationship of "development" of needles with the ratio of axial and radial dimensions of the shoot. A positive correlation between the remoteness from the flame and the magnitude of the coefficients in the formula specifying the latter relationship allows one to make supposition on the effect of temperature increase on the relative redistribution of the auxiblast biomass over radial or axial increments. An analysis of the formulas obtained indicates a significant relationship between radial and axial growth processes with «development» of needles, as well as their conjugation with the state in the previous year, and the effect of a gas flame on them.

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