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Baranchikov Yu. N. Authors from Both Sides of the List

list of authors, first and last authors, classification of authors' contribution


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How to cite: Baranchikov Yu. N. Authors at both sides of the list // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 3. P. … (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240302

© Baranchikov Yu. N., 2024

Although there are no official and permanent criteria for determining the position of your name in the list of authors of an article, the principle of “authors at the both sides of the list” is increasingly used in biomedical publications. The best addition to it is a detailed indication of the contribution of each author to the creation of the article.



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Corrêa E. A. Jr., Silva F. N., Costa L. D. F., Amancio D. R. Patterns of authors contribution in scientific manuscripts // J. Informetr. 2017. V. 11. Iss. 2. P. 498–510.

Costas R., Bordons M. Do age and professional rank influence the order of authorship in scientific publications? Some evidence from a micro-level perspective // Scientometrics. 2011. V. 88. P. 145–161.

Drenth J. P. H. Multiple authorship. The contribution of senior authors // JAMA. 1998. V. 280. Iss. 3. P. 219–221.

Duffy M. A. Last and corresponding authorship practices in ecology // Ecol. Evolut. 2017. V. 7. Iss. 21. P. 8876–8887.

Elsevier. CRediT author statement, 2024.

Fox C. W., Ritchey J. P., Paine C. E. T. Patterns of authorship in ecology and evolution: first, last, and corresponding authorship vary with gender and geography // Ecol. Evolut. 2018. V. 8. Iss. 23. P. 11492–11507.

Gingras Y., Lariviere V., Macaluso B., Robitaille J. P. The effects of aging on researchers’ publication and citation patterns // PloS ONE. 2008. V. 3. Iss. 12. Article number 4048.

ICMJE – International Council of Medical Journal Editors. Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors. ICMJE, 2024.

Liu X. Z., Fang H. Scientific group leaders’ authorship preferences: An empirical investigation // Scientometrics. 2014. V. 98. Iss. 2. P. 909–925.

Logan J. M., Bean S. B., Myers A. E. Author contributions to ecological publications: What does it mean to be an author in modern ecological research? // PLoS One. 2017. V. 12. Iss. 6. Article number 0179956.

Sundling P. The many hands of science: Commonalities and differences in the research contributions of authors and subauthors // Aslib J. Inform. Manag. 2017. V. 69. Iss. 5. P. 591–606.

Tscharntke T., Hochberg M. E., Rand T. A., Resh V. H., Krauss J. Author sequence and credit for contributions in multiauthored publications // PLOS Biol. 2007. V. 5. Iss. 1. Article number e18.

Von Bergen C. W., Bressler M. S. Academe’s unspoken ethical dilemma: author inflation in higher education // Res. Higher Educat. J. 2017. V. 32. P. 1–17.

Waltman L. An empirical analysis of the use of alphabetical authorship in scientific publishing // J. Informetr. 2012. V. 6. Iss. 4. P. 700–711.

Weltzin J. F., Belote R. T., Williams L. T., Keller J. K., Engel E. Authorship in ecology: Attribution, accountability, and responsibility // Front. Ecol. Environ. 2006. V. 4. Iss. 8. P. 435–441.

Wren J. D., Kozak K. Z., Johnson K. R., Deakyne S. J., Schilling L. M, Dellavare R. P. The write position // EMBO Rep. 2014. V. 8. Iss. 11. P. 987–991.

Yang S., Wolfram D., Wang F. The relationship between the author byline and contribution lists: A comparison of three general medical journals // Scientometrics. 2017. V. 110. Iss. 3. P. 1273–1296. 

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