Goncharova O. A., Zotova O. E. Siberian Stone Pine in Urbanized Environment of the Arctic Zone
Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute named after N. A. Avrorin –
separate subdivision of the Federal Research Center Kola Science Centre Rus. Acad. Sci.
Akademgorodok, 18a, Apatity, Murmansk Oblast, 184209 Russian Federation
E-mail: goncharovaoa@mail.ru, ol-sha@mail.ru
UDC 712.41:582.475.4(470.21)
How to cite: Goncharova O. A., Zotova O. E. Siberian stone pine in urbanized environment of the Arctic zone // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2023. N. 2. P. 40–46 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20230205
© Goncharova O. A., Zotova O. E., 2023
Urban green plantings have been recognized as an important component of the urban ecosystem. Inspecting the health of trees in settlements, in territories, near footpaths and highways is required regularly. In the city of Apatity, Murmansk Oblast, the state of the Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) trees was studied, the presence of risk factors in the environment of the tree and damage that characterize the accident rate of the tree were determined. Visual inspection aims to identify symptoms of structural defects that may compromise the stability of the tree. Root zones, tree stems, crown base, skeletal branches, crown were assessed. The presence of hollows, cracks, signs of decomposition, fruiting bodies of fungi, damage and wounds, weak forks, dead branches were indicated. Among the examined trees, Siberian stone pine trees with a high risk of falling were not found. In trees in street row planting, a sparse crown is more often noted, damage to the butt zone, including mechanical damage. The root system of all examined trees functions in conditions of limited space. Trees in a linear planting along the road and pedestrian zones have more pronounced restrictions on the development of the root system. Stem damage occurs in all examined Siberian stone pine trees. Recommendations have been developed for regular monitoring, tree health pruning and other agrotechnical measures. The study carried out is of great practical importance. The results of the study can be used in the development of recommendations for the formation of a favorable ecological environment in the urbanized territories of the Arctic zone of Russia.
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