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Konovalova A. E., Konovalova M. E., Pimenov A. V. Specifics of Growth by Diameter of Red-Anthered and Yellow-Anthered Forms of Scots Pine

Pinus sylvestris L., artificial stands, intraspecific biodiversity, sample plot, stem diameter, intraspecies structure, Shira steppe, Republic of Khakassia


UDC 581.522.4+633.877.3(582.475.4)

How to cite: Konovalova A. E., Konovalova M. E., Pimenov A. V. Specifics of growth by diameter of red-anthered and yellow-anthered forms of Scots pine // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2020. N 3. P. 63–72 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20200306

© Konovalova A. E., Konovalova M. E., Pimenov A. V., 2020

Ecotopic analysis of the Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. population structure based on the ratio of intraspecific forms – red-anthered P. s. f. erythranthera Sanio and yellow-anthered P. s. f. sulfuranthera Kozubow was performed in the plantations in the Shira steppe of the Republic of Khakassia. It was found that the part of red-anthered form trees is 22.5 ± 1.9 %, while in extreme growth conditions associated with a distinct lack of moisture or, in contrast, seasonal excess moisture, the share of their participation increases. A statistically significant relationship between the color of male generative structures and the stand DBH in various ecotopic conditions was identified by the information analysis. The trees’ yellow-anthered form has larger stem diameters in the optimal and seasonal excess moisture content. The trees’ red-anthered form has best radial growth in the most xerophytic conditions; a high abundance in seasonal excess moisture conditions and in high-density plantations, also characterizes them. The results obtained show that the less common red-anthered form of the Scots pine is an adaptively significant «element» of intraspecific diversity, providing a functional «safety margin» of populations and their stability in extreme growing conditions. 



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