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Koryakina D. M., Druzhinin N. A., Druzhinin F. N. Growth Features of Introduced Woody Species in Vologda Oblast

specially protected natural areas, natural monument, introducers, stages of growth and development, dendrochronology, dendroclimatology, tree-ring chronology, radial increment


UDC 630*561.24+502.4(470.12)

How to cite: Koryakina D. M., Druzhinin N. A., Druzhinin F. N. Growth features of introduced woody species in Vologda Oblast // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 6. P. … (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240610

EDN: …

© Koryakina D. M., Druzhinin N. A., Druzhinin F. N., 2024

There are very few works in the scientific literature based on the results of long-term introduction. In this regard, the data obtained on stands in protected areas (objects of landscape art), which include introduced rocks in their compositions, are important both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Plantings at the objects of landscape art, in this regard, are actually a scientific, industrial and educational base. The objects of the study were old-age trees growing on 18 sites of specially protected natural territories of Vologda Oblast. It was found that 74 % of the compared tree-ring chronologies, taking into account forest growing areas, have a lack of communication, 16 % have a low connection, 10 % have an average one. Based on the denrochronological and dendroclimatic analysis, the relative contribution of various factors, taking into account the biological characteristics of tree species, to the formation of annual rings has been established. There is a positive reaction (response by radial increment) to the sum of positive temperatures in oak and linden at values above 2000 °C. In turn, a negative response was recorded in Siberian larch and Siberian pine at a total effective temperature of less than 1900 °C. For Siberian pine, it was found that with a precipitation level of more than 300 mm and with the sum of effective temperatures for the growing season less than 2000 °C, an increase in radial growth is noted. The performed study allowed us to conclude that not for all introduced tree species, the thermal regime in the European North is a limiting factor, which is important for the introduction of introduced tree species into the crops in the region under consideration. The lack of timely care for stands in protected areas, an unsuccessful combination of tree species and agrotechnics of the formation of these objects affected the slowdown in growth rates, especially at the initial stages of growth and development of innoregional species, the obtained tree-ring chronologies were obtained for the region for the first time, they are characterized by high synchronicity with each other when compared. These data allow us to assert the existence of connections and general patterns in the growth and development of plants, regardless of their territorial location, and all differences are related only to the individual characteristics of the growth and development of each tree species.



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