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Onuchin А. А., Sokolov V. А., Vtyurina О. P. Forest Reproduction in Krasnoyarsk Krai

reforestation, forest crops, natural forest growth, forest use


UDC 630.2 (571.51)

How to cite: Onuchin А. А., Sokolov V. А., Vtyurina О. P. Forest reproduction in Krasnoyarsk Krai // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 6. P. … (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240602

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© Onuchin А. А., Sokolov V. А., Vtyurina О. P., 2024

On average, in Siberia about 600 thousand hectares of forests have been annually cut down in the last two decades and about the same much damage from forest fires. Furthermore, forest stands have been damaged by pests (Siberian silkworm, fir moth, etc.) as well as windfalls and industrial emissions. Forest cover significant changes indicate the need identifying the causes of those changes for the purpose of eliminating negative phenomena. The forest fund dynamics disclose a deterioration of the qualitative species composition. The reasons for this are not global climate warming, but quite predictable human and natural factors: logging, forest fires, forest insect outbreaks, natural forest regeneration processes, and forest land transfers for infrastructure development. Forestry in Russia is still far from solving the problem of full-fledged forest reproduction. Forest reproduction involves a number of stages that must be consistently implemented to achieve the final goal. Reproduction of forest resources is preceded by the process of reforestation, which involves the restoration of cut, dead or damaged forests and which ensures the formation of a closed young forest, but does not guarantee the necessary structure and target functions of a mature forest. The latter can be achieved through subsequent forestry measures, including thinning, forest protection and conservation. The long period of forest regeneration calls for the need for decision-making, which results will be achieved in many decades later. The action system should be aimed at adapting forests to predicted natural and economic transformations.



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