Osipov A. F. Wood Litter Input to the Soil Surface of Middle Taiga Pine Forests in the European North-East of Russia
Inst. Biol., Federal Res. Centre Komi Sci. Centre, Ural Br., Rus. Acad. Sci.
Kommunisticheskaya str., 28b, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, 167982 Russian Federation
Е-mail: osipov@ib.komisc.ru
UDC 630*114.351
How to cite: Osipov A. F. Wood litter input to the soil surface of middle taiga pine forests in the European North-East of Russia // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 5. P. 103–111 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240511
EDN: …
© Osipov A. F., 2024
Plant litter is a connecting flux between plants and soil, and the rate of soil organic matter accumulation depends on its decomposition. Despite the abundance of data on the mass of litterfall in Russian pine forests, generalized assessments of the influence of growing conditions on this process are rare. The aim of this study is to estimate litterfall influx in middle taiga pine forests on European North-East of Russia depending on growing conditions. Investigation was carried out in pine forests of different types on Chernamsky forest station of Institute of biology of Komi Scientific Centre (Republic of Komi) during 2017–2022. Approximately constant rate of organic matter flux from tree plants on forest floor surface was detected base on 5 years of observation that can rarely be disturbed due to significant litterfall of branches during winter. The tree litterfall influx in pine forest of Lichen type was 233.4 g/m2 per year, in bilberry type pine forest – 206.1, and in Sphagnosa type pine forest – 109.6 g/m2 per year much of that (66–72 %) formed from May to October. In relatively clear on composition pine forests pine needle produce 48–62 % from total litterfall. Branches (predominantly pine) and pine bark has a significant input that reach to 12–16 % and 12–14 % from tree litterfall, respectively. Growing conditions influence the share of birch leaves, pine needle and cones in total mass of litterfall. Obtained data can be used to assess the cycle of matter and carbon in the pine forests of the northern taiga zone.
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