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Predeina I. V., Bashegurov K. A., Belov L. A., Zalesov S. V., Iteshina N. M. Alternate Strip Gradual Felling, as a Method of Transforming Derivative Softwood Stands into Indigenous Coniferous

derivative birch forest, indigenous spruce stands, undergrowth, forest restoration, the Republic of Udmurtia


UDC 630.221.0:630.173/174

How to cite: Predeina I. V.1, Bashegurov K. A.1, Belov L. A.1, Zalesov S. V.1, Iteshina N. M.2 Alternate strip gradual felling, as a method of transforming derivative softwood stands into indigenous coniferous // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 6. P. … (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240608

EDN: …

© Predeina I. V., Bashegurov K. A., Belov L. A., Zalesov S. V., Iteshina N. M., 2024

Based on materials of trial plots, it has been analyzed the consequences of strip-gradual felling of derivative forests on the territory of birch derivatives of the southern taiga forest region (the European part of the Russian Federation within the borders of the Republic of Udmurtia). It has been established that in the presence of coniferous undergrowth of addition to pregeneration and its preservation during logging operations it is ensured the formation of young spruce stands in place of derivative birch plantations without artificial forest restoration. In addition to preserving the pre-generation coniferous undergrowth, it is important to minimize the area of skidding roads, since even 25 years after cutting there is no undergrowth of coniferous species on them. In order to preserve undergrowth and coniferous trees it is advisable to place logging residues on skidding tracks, they increasing the bearing capacity of the soil. The destruction of teenage coniferous trees in the process of carrying out adjacent work contributes overgrowth of cut down strips with soft deciduous trees and living soil cover. Coniferous undergrowth of accompanying generation in stripes left for the second appointment is not accumulated due to the high density of the tree canopy of a two years planting but in the cut down strips of the first cut down strips appointment due to high competition from 2Sc undergrowth and softwood trees. In the absence of coniferous undergrown preliminary generation is advisable to carry out 5–7 before the first SFG for the purpose of accumulating coniferous undergrowth.



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