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Timchenko N. A., Tkachenko K. G., Yust N. A., Shcherbakova O. N. Post-Pyrogenic Regeneration of Gmelins’ Larch in Amur Oblast

Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen.), assessment scales for natural regeneration, undergrowth, shrub layer, sample plot, permafrost


UDC 630:911.52+574.474 (571.61)

How to cite: Timchenko N. A.1, Tkachenko K. G.2, Yust N. A.1, Shcherbakova O. N.1 Post-pyrogenic regeneration of Gmelins’ larch in Amur Oblast // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 6. P. … (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240609

EDN: …

© Timchenko N. A., Tkachenko K. G., Yust N. A., Shcherbakova O. N., 2024

The article provides an analysis of the Gmelins’ larch (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen.) (Pinaceae) natural regeneration, which were studied on lands located in the permafrost zone. The study was carried out in order to identify the course of regeneration processes in areas subjected to pyrogenic effects from forest fires. The restoration of larch forests depends on many factors, the success of which is ensured by the favorable conditions that arise after their impact. This is due to biological, climatic, soil conditions, characteristics of seed production, their maturation, harvest periods, and other factors, including silvicultural conditions. According to the tasks of analysis and evaluation of the natural regeneration of tree species, and the further formation of forest stands, they were carried out according to the method of sample plots established in forest stands, passed by fires of different prescriptions in the Mazanovsky forestry district of Amur Oblast. Six sample plots of a rectangular shape were laid on the lands of the forest fund, subjected to pyrogenic effects in different years. For a detailed study on accounting sites, the young generation of trees was taken into account in terms of quantitative indicators, projective cover, size and qualitative characteristics. Regeneration was assessed on a regional scale for the Far East. According to the results of data processing, tendencies are noted to change from coniferous to deciduous species on sample plots No. 1 and No. 2 in the case of preservation of grass-moss cover and forest litter, as well as with intensive vegetative renewal of deciduous species. Preservation of the dominant for Gmelins’ larch is observed under favorable soil conditions and fruitful years before the formation of forest litter and living ground cover on sample plots No. 3, and No. 5. For the first time for mixed forest stands in the northern region of Amur Oblast (on the example of the Mazanovsky forestry district), it was revealed that as a result of repeated fire impact on forest ecosystems, there are prerequisites for the formation of pure larch forests with a low participation of associated species, depending on the period of fruiting of the main economic species – Gmelins’ larch and pyrogenic impact on the forest floor.



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