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Turna İ., Bayraktar A., Yıldırım N., Oral M. Phenological Observations Belonging to Vegetation Period of Some Native and Exotic Plant Species in KTU Kanuni Campus

aboriginal and introduced species of woody plants, vegetation, seasoning, bud bursting, landscape design, Trabzon, Turkey


UDC 630*181.8

How to cite: Turna İ., Bayraktar A., Yıldırım N., Oral M. Phenological observations belonging to vegetation period of some native and exotic plant species in KTU Kanuni campus // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2020. N 1. P. 58–65 (in English with Russian abstract).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20200106

© Turna İ., Bayraktar A., Yıldırım N., Oral M., 2020

It is possible to determine specific periods in plants during the vegetation period making phenological observations. When making phenological observations, one can be collect information about occurrence time of some events, such as sowing, germination and bud bursting. Particularly, this evidence will contribute to the selection of species in site conditions, when making decisions about the species to be left in the field. Therefore, it is important to know blossoming time and lifespan of flowers during the seasons. If coloration of the plants to be used in the landscape design is known to depend on the season, much better compositions with the plants can be created. The aim of the paper is to reveal the differences in the beginning of vegetation of some native and exotic plant species found in the campus of Karadeniz Technical University. In this study, bud bursting times of 19 species of bud bursting dates, including 10 native trees, 5 exotic trees, 2 native shrubs and 2 exotic shrub species were investigated during the 4 phases. Thus, when observations were made for the times from swelling of the buds to the completion of the bud burst, it appeared that the budbreak period for Acer platanoides L. was completed in the longest time and those for Carpinus betulus L. and Liquidambar orientalis Mill. – over the shortest time from the native species. The same period for Wisteria sinensis (Sims) DC. was completed in the longest time, while for Prunus serrulata Lindl. «Kandzan» it was completed in the shortest time for the exotic species.



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