Afonin Alexander Nikolaevich
Afonin Alexander Nikolaevich, born 30 November, 1957. Graduated from Saint Petersburg State University, Faculty of Geography (at the present time – Institute of Earth Sciences), with a specialty in Biogeography (1980) and Ecology and Environmental Management (1981). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) in Selection and Seed Breeding (1989). PhD thesis: «Metody Oscenki i Vydeleniya Istochnikov Zimostoikosti dlya Selekscii Klevera Lugovogo v Usloviyakh Severo-Zapada RSFSR» (The Methods for Evaluation and Selection of Winter Resistance Sources for Breeding Red Clover in the Conditions of the North-West of Russia), Leningrad, 1989 (in Russian). Associate Professor for the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management (Kafedra Geoekologii i Prirodopolzovaniya), Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University. PI for an International Research Project of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) N. 2625 «Development of Agricultural Interactive Atlas for Securing Food Safety of Russia and Neighboring Countries» (2003-2012). Author and teacher for study courses: «Interpretation of satellite imagery»; «Ecological and Geographical Analysis and Modeling»; «GIS for Biogeographers»; «GIS technologies in Ecosystem Studies»; «Computer Biometrics»; «Organism and the Environment»; «Development of GIS Methods for Ecological and Biological Studies». Author and co-author of more than 70 scientific publications.
Total citations – 344; Hirsh index – 7.