Androsova (Stepanova) Vera Ivanovna
Androsova (Stepanova) Vera Ivanovna, born 28 January, 1978 in the city of Petrozavodsk. Graduated from Petrozavodsk State University, Faculty of Biology (at the present time – Faculty of Ecology and Biology) (2000), and PhD study on Botany and Ecology (2004). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Botany and Ecology (2004). PhD thesis: «Epifitnyi Lishainikovyi Pokrov Eli Evropeiskoi (Picea abies (L.) Karst) v Elovykh Lesakh Yuzhnoi Karelii» (Epiphytic Lichen Cover of Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in the Spruce Forests of Southern Karelia), Petrozavodsk, 2004 (in Russian). Associate Professor for the Department of Botany and Physiology of Plants, Faculty of Ecology and Biology, Petrozavodsk State University. Research interests in ecology and physiology of lichens. Author and co-author of 20 research papers.
Total citations – 59; Hirsh index – 2.