Baboy Semen Dmitrievich
Baboy Semen Dmitrievich, born 26 June, 1982. Graduated from V. P. Astafiev Krasnoyasrsk State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Geography (at the present time – Faculty of Biology, Geography and Chemistry) with a specialty Teacher of Geography (2005), PhD course at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch (2006-2009). Topic for dissertation (PhD) research: «Rol’ Rel’efa v Differensciascii Rastitelnogo Pokrova v Gorakh (na Primere Zapadnogo i Vostochnogo Sayana)» (The Role of Relief in Differentiation of vegetation Cover in Mountains (on Example of Western and Eastern Sayan). Engineer-Phytopathologist for the Department of Remote Sensing Phytopathological Monitoring & GIS, Branch of the Russian Centre for Forest Protection Centre for Forest Protection of Krasnoyarsk Territory in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Main research interests are in dynamics, structure and terrain attributes of mountain forests in Siberia. Author and co-author of peer-reviewed papers. Some of them: «Mery sohraneniya bioraznoobraziya v usloviyakh promyshlennogo lesopolzovaniya na yuge sibiri» (Biodiversity conservation under forest exploitation in the South of Siberia) In «Lesovedenie» (Rus. J. For. Sci.), 2014 (in Russian with English abstract); «Altitude-belt zonality of forest vegetation in mountainous regions of the Sayan Mountains: A model of ecological second-order phase transitions» In «Biol. Bull. Rev.», 2014; «Universality principle in second-order phase transition models for describing succession processes and spatial distribution of species in forests» In «Contempor. Probl. Ecol.», 2014; «Primenenie GIS dlya analiza svyazi lesnoi rastitelnosti s gornym relefom na primere bar’erno-dozdevykh landshaftov Zapadnogo Sayana» (GIS analyses of correlations between forest vegetation and relief in mountainsоn the example of barrier-rain landscapes of West Sayan) In «Geoinformatika» (Geoinformatics), 2011 (in Russian with English abstract).
Total citations – 17; Hirsch index – 2.