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Baginskiy Vladimir Felixovich
Baginskiy Vladimir Felixovich, born 2 February, 1938 in the city of Moscow, Soviet Union. Graduated from S. M. Kirov Belarus Institute of Technology (at the present time – Belarusian State Technological University), Forestry Faculty, with a specialty in Forestry, qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Minsk, Republic of Belarus (1960). Candidate (PhD, 1972), and Doctor (DSc, 1986) of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Scientist (1974), Professor (2005) in Forest Planning and Forest Inventory. PhD thesis: «Stroenie i Rost Sosnovykh Molodnyakov Iskusstvennogo Proiskhozhdeniya BSSR» (Structure and Growth of Pine Young Stands of Artificial Origine in Belarus SSR), Bryansk, Bryansk Inst. Technol. (at the present time – Bryansk St. Univ. Engineer. and Technol.), 1972 (in Russian). DSc thesis: «Zakonomernosti Stroeniya i Rosta Drevosstoev v Zone Intensivnogo Antropogennogo Vozdeystviya: na Primere BSSR» (Regularities of Structure and Growth of Tree Stands in Zone of Intensive Anthropogenic Impact: on the Example of Belarus SSR), Kyiv, Ukr. Agr. Acad. (at the present time – Nat. Univ. Life Sci. Environ. of Ukraine), 1985 (in Russian). Professor for the Department of Forestry Disciplines at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, in the city of Gomel, Republic of Belarus (2007). Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belаrus (2004). Throughout the years was a member of the Scientific-Technical Council of the USSR State Forest Committee (Forest Planning Section), Scientific-Technical Council of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, member of the advisory board of the Supreme Scientific Attestation Council of the Republic of Belarus. Member of the editorial board for peer-reviewed scientific journal "Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal" (Sib. J. For. Sci.). Author and co-author of more than 400 papers, including 17 monographs, and textbooks for university students. The main of them: "Increasing of Forest Productivity", Minsk, 1984 (in Russian), "Standard Materials for Forest Inventory in Belarus SSR", Moscow, 1984 (in Russian), Forest Management in Belarus. History, Current Status, Problems and Prospects", Minsk, 1996 (in Russian), "Forest. People. Chernobyl", Gomel, 1999 (in Russian), "Complex Productivity of Forest Lands", Gomel, 2007 (in Russian), "Forest Inventory", Textbook for a University Students on Forestry Speciality, Gomel, 2013 (in Russian).


Total Google Scholar Citations – 448; Google Scholar Hirsh Index  11
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