Belokon Yury Sergeevich, born 6 February, 1966. Graduated from I. A. Franko Lviv State University (at the present time – Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) Faculty of Biology, Department of Genetics and Biotechnology (1990), with a specialty Teacher of biology and chemistry, PhD course in Genetics at Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Research Scientist for the Academician Yuri P. Altukhov Laboratory of Population Genetics, Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Specialist in the field of population and evolutionary genetics. Author and co-author of over 70 papers. Some of them: «Interspecific hybridization as a factor of reticulate evolution of 5-needle pines of Northern and Eastern Asia» In «Khvoinyу Borealnoj Zony» (Coniferous of the Boreal Zone), 2010 (in Russian with English abstract); «The System of crossing and dynamics of allozymeheterozygosity in populations of the mountain pine Pinuspumila (Pall.) Regel» In «Khvoinye Borealnoj Zony» (Coniferous of the Boreal Zone), 2010 (in Russian with English abstract); «Genetic variation and outcrossing rate in Pinus cembra L. of the Ukrainian Carpathians and Austrian Alps by allozyme and microsatellite loci» In Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Lesa. Lesnoy Vestnik» (Moscow State For. Univ. Bull. – Lesnoy Vestnik), 2012. N. 1 (84) (in Russian with English abstract); «Genetic diversity and differentiation of Siberian stone pine populations at the southern edge in lowland part of West Siberia» In «Ekologicheskaya Genetika» (Ecol. Genetics), 2014 (in Russian with English abstract); «Distribution of the genetic diversity of the Siberian stone pine, Pinus sibirica Du Tour, along the latitudinal and longitudinal profiles» In «Rus. J. Genet.», 2014.
Total citations – 145; Hirsch Index – 5.